Work made in collaboration with willow weaver Rachel Bower, Forfar, combining willow and clay to make functional and decorative pieces. The ceramic part is porcelain or stoneware, fired in electric, gas or woodfired kilns and Rachel uses several varieties of willow and cordage she grows in Angus
Gas fired Limoges porcelain; thrown and glazed with Celadon, Copper Red, Chun or Tenmoku glazes. Fired with Fran Marquis at Springfield Creative Arts in Arbroath.
Wood fired stoneware, mainly Sibelco or Potclays craft crank thrown, carved and fired either completely unglazed or glazed only on the inside. These are fired either in the Angus wood fire group kiln or by Nancy Fuller in her Anagama kiln in Aberdeenshire.
There are still a few of these translucent, hand built tea light holders for sale at the open studio events. High fired porcelain from Scarva, Northern Ireland, with plant and textile impressions or hand drawn designs.
Raku fired Ashraf Hannah stoneware thrown, carved and fired with glaze only on the inside and fired by Christine Flynn, Dunfermline. The willow, bark and cordage additions are made by Rachel Bower, Forfar.
Maria Nordgren used to make mainly functional domestic ware, thrown in Limoges porcelain and electric fired with a clear glaze and she still makes some of this for her open studios events